Thursday 7 June 2007

Doctor Who: Any Dream Will Do

Sure, it's just had the best story in a good while, and we've got a Steven Moffat episode due on Saturday, but when the time comes and the Doctor Who ratings start to slide, this is what the regeneration might look like - go here and click on the next button repeatedly (it's like Romana in Destiny of the Daleks all over again!) By the by, do you think Andrew Lloyd Webber's complicit in the way he's sent up in the trailers for Any Dream Will Do? I wish I had a screengrab, by way of illustration. Actually, no, I don't.

Instead, we can wonder what anyone was thinking when they took this:

Were they anticipating Clive Owen and George Clooney auditioning? The pair of smoothies!

Anyway, let's finish on this.

Daniel Boys. That name's just too perfect.

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